Having been accused of nurturing intentions of ruling the IT World with his stunningly popular Windows OS, people have all misunderstood Bill Gates, the Microsoft Chairman, for all these years. 😉
Having spent millions of $$$ in developing a free update to an OS that ain’t hot, you certainly can’t accuse Bill Gates of harbouring intentions of taking over the IT World, as the dearest wish of Bill(at the moment) is to bring back the ole days of the 90’s when a new software would readily sell in the market & the term “security” was associated with tough guys in uniforms.
For the past few years, Microsoft has been facing the heat & wrath of every user as the Wicked Guys have taken vicious swipes at Windows & its defacto browser, Internet Explorer. So finally Bill decided that enough is enough, he’ll send these guys to hell for once & all. The result was WinXP Service Pack 2(as well as Microsoft’s Tell a Hacker Earn a Cracker program under which if you are in possession of information which can lead to the whereabouts of a Windows hacker or virus writer, you stand to earn bigtime). Can you still accuse Bill? 😀
But the story isn’t finished. One week in & WinXP SP2 has had a tough time at the office. Then came the news that SP2 hates about 50 softwares, or is it 200 softwares? 😯 Microsoft moved in & disabled automatic distribution & now a patched SP2 is in works which should be available some time sooner(or later). 😉
Well, its difficult to go on, you may as well read this whole story at CNet. 😀