Consider this: Your web application is growing rapidly. What started as a simple caching strategy, storing a few user sessions and API responses, has evolved into a complex web of cached data. Your development team is struggling to manage cache …

I did the previous version of this 3 years ago in 2021. In that benchmark I compared Laravel Octane (with Swoole), Fastify & Go Fiber – with Go Fiber coming out a clear winner as far as performance was concerned. …

While I’ve been tinkering around in PostgreSQL off late, one of the things I looked into a bit more thoroughly (other than index types) was data types. PostgreSQL offers a wide range of data types but it also allows creation …

I’ve been tinkering around with PostgreSQL off-late while working on a project, using Laravel as my framework of choice. Its been many years since I looked into PostgreSQL, enough to say that I might as well be starting fresh. The …

Laravel is great at good many things and its inbuilt ORM & query builder makes working with multiple databases a breeze. But while working yesterday, I came across a curious issue – running artisan migrate:fresh command breaks if your tables …

A quick guide on how to set up Inertia.js & React with a Laravel module system.

... is now available. It's late, later than it should've been, but it's here now!

To make them or not, lest their burden be felt in far greater amount than it is.

There’s no such thing as truly random data as far as computers and general algorithms are concerned - they all follow a set pattern and collisions are possible.

Comparing performance of Laravel Octane running on Swoole with Fastify and with Go Fiber using a real world simulation, in the quest to determine which stack is more performant than others and how these three fare against each other.