... is now available. It's late, later than it should've been, but it's here now!
..... now available
..... now available
..... to colour them all
Seeing me freak out at solving maths equations, my mom used to say that solving maths problems is fun once you get the hang of it. I thought that she’s just telling me that to finish up my homework, but …
I’ve started looking into the code again for the iG:Syntax Hiliter, hopefully a version will be released by this weekend. ЁЯШЙ I blogged earlier that the current v3.1.1 might not be compatible with WordPress 2 due some changes that I …
iG:Syntax Hiliter is not fully compatible with the new WordPress 2.0. Though the existing installations might work alright, new installs of the plugin on WordPress 2.0 may cause some problems due to the revamped user system in WordPress. The earlier …
a plugin stopper bug??? :shock: Yes, unfortunately it was there, so you must UPDATE!! :wink:
And voila, the code was colourised!! Yes, its the new phase(new release) of the journey(plugin) that started almost an year back.....
Yes, its not a tale this time. ЁЯША This time I’ll give you a sneak preview of what’s waiting under the covers, while I wrap up the documentation. I’m ofcourse talking about the iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin, for whose next version …