Well, yes, that’s what it is.
Consider this……
Ever since I started blogging here from April 1(yes I’m sure of it), the visit-count at this blog have been around 15000+ per month, except in May when it dipped to 14400+. July saw the count rise to 17622 but what surprised me most, heck, astounded me, was that the count rose to 35127 in August!! 😯
Now, that’s struck me out of the blue, I expected a rise but not this high, almost a double of the highest!! WOW!! 😀
I was just about to go to bed as tomorrow might be a gruelling day at work, I just thought of checking the stats for August & bingo!! This is just amazing. I guess the strongest reason for this rise is the iG:Syntax Hiliter plugin for WordPress. 😉 Just think what a little nifty tool can do to your website’s traffic!! 😀 And if that’s not all, its already 3000 visits for this month, with just 3 days gone. So, another great month? Incidently, I have my birthday on 23rd of this month & what a good present would it be to have!! 😉
And for those of you who are wondering about the stats of iG:Syntax Hiliter plugin for WordPress, well, its been downloaded 287 times till date. So, that’s a good news too, no? 😀