I’ve agreed to help out Dennis with the content of his website ezFAQs.
ezFAQs is about the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on Web Development. The deal is that I add FAQs or answer any pending FAQs. Google AdSense ads are shown on each FAQ & I can specify my AdSense publisher account number & channel so that AdSense ads displayed on FAQs by me will have my account number & I will get all of the revenue earned from the clicks on those ads. Also, I have a link pointing to my Blog on the FAQ page.
Sounds like a good deal, no? Yes, it does sounds like a good deal but I don’t have my hopes too high. What can a fool like me add to Web Dev FAQs? Probably some foolish questions. But the downside is that I can’t contribute frequently, only on weekends. Well, we’ll see.
I’ll point to the FAQs that I add here in this blog so you guys can read more of my rants.
Probably some foolish questions??? That coming from the guy who will probably win the ASP Guru of the Year award?
Heh, I think you’ll be able to add some damn fine FAQ’s
Probably some foolish questions???
Hmm, yeah!! Since when I thought that I’m not a fool?
That coming from the guy who will probably win the ASP Guru of the Year award?
Anything can happen!! 
Well, probably. Marcus & Brad are still in the running, so don’t count them out.
Heh, I think you’ll be able to add some damn fine FAQ’s
So far I’ve added about 10-12 FAQs. 
Lets hope so!!
So, why no updates on the matter. has the venture gone cold ?
yeah, the venture has gone cold, no new FAQs for almost an year & I also didn’t get time to post new FAQs as I got busy!!
Yeah, I (the original owner) sold the site a year ago. Since then there have been no updates at all. A shame really.
ah well, I wasn’t aware that you had sold the website!!