Showdown, iG:Syntax Hiliter v2.0 Final!!

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  1. not sure if you know this but the   thats inserted after the PHP or CODE or whatever breaks all the feeds, you cant have that at the front of a line. All my feeds are broke πŸ™

  2. Thanks for the plugin. Works great on the latest 1.3 nightly BTW. What’s the easiest way to remove the textbox and just display the code on the page without the box?

  3. Works great on the latest 1.3 nightly BTW.

    Great!! πŸ˜‰

    What’s the easiest way to remove the textbox and just display the code on the page without the box?

    I hope that you’ve read the manual that accompanied the plugin. If not, please read it. It tells you how to get rid of the scrollbars. Also, in the last function in the plugin file, you’ll find that there’s CSS for styling the code box. Just play with it to remove the border etc. πŸ˜€

  4. Yes, the last function in the plugin file, hilite_header() has all the CSS that styles the code boxes. You can edit that to suit yourself. But remember to backup your plugin first. πŸ™‚

  5. Hi,
    I used geshi before I installed your plugin and was therefore lucky to
    find your wordpress plugin. The Plugin works fine but there is a
    problem when I post html tags. Words like <strings> are automatically closed after saving and there is one other serious problem. If I don’t close this tags i.e. if I post for(test, test<8, test++); < is beeing converted into his html char &lt;. I would be grateful if you could help me in this case.


  6. Yes, there is a way. First, backup your plugin file.
    In the plugin file, on line 45 there is something like


    Just delete it.
    But doing this will mean that none of the codeboxes will have the classification, neither PHP nor ASP or anything else.

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  9. Cosa

    IÒ€ℒve installed your plugin, but thereÒ€ℒs something wrong in the bottom of my page.

    what’s the problem?

Sliding Sidebar