I’ve been sitting on it for over a week now, I can’t hold it any longer.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the much awaited, iG:Syntax Hiliter v2.0 Final.
After really serious coding & much fretting, the final release of iG:Syntax Hiliter v2.0 is knocking on your doorstep. This is really an update to which a lot of you’ve been looking forward to(so it seemed from all the eMails that I got). I believe that this release wouldn’t disappoint you & will prove to be worth the wait.
I won’t say anything here(partly b’coz I’m feeling sleepy, its past midnight & I’ll have a long day tomorrow).
I’d just like to point that this release has over 700 lines of code, totally re-written. When I finished writing it at first, it was over 850 lines of code but then I sat down again to prune it & managed to keep it around 750 lines. If you compare the earlier versions & this version, you’ll find the code totally different. Finally I clustered all the hiliting functions into a class & made that class re-usable, so you can just pull it out & use it to hilite your code your way(you’ll still need GeSHi).
So just go, download the plugin, read the MANUAL & you’ll understand.
Even better would be to take it out for a spin.
IMPORTANT:- This plugin has been tried & known to work with WP 1.2 & WP1.2.1. It has not been tried with any present releases of WP1.3(as its not stable yet) & though it might work with it, its not certain.
Comments & Bug Reports(ah!!) as always are invited. If you have any problems using this plugin or have found a bug, you can post it at http://wordpress.org/support/10/10533/.
You can see the old examples here.
There’s been a bug that came to my attention following this post in the support thread at WP Forums. Because of this bug, the two <br /> tags were replaced by a </p> tag making the code non xHTML compliant(as per my desires ). This has been fixed. So those who haven’t downloaded the v2Final yet, can download the whole package while those who have v2Final are requested to download the fixed plugin file which they can replace with their old plugin file(you’ll have to change it again for your settings about line numbers & physical path to GeSHi directory).
not sure if you know this but the thats inserted after the PHP or CODE or whatever breaks all the feeds, you cant have that at the front of a line. All my feeds are broke

Where’s it broken? Can you provide a screenshot or the URL(recommended)? You can see the feed of my post containing code at http://www.bloglines.com/preview?siteid=859998 & it certainly doesn’t appear to be broken.
Thanks for the plugin. Works great on the latest 1.3 nightly BTW. What’s the easiest way to remove the textbox and just display the code on the page without the box?
I hope that you’ve read the manual that accompanied the plugin. If not, please read it. It tells you how to get rid of the scrollbars. Also, in the last function in the plugin file, you’ll find that there’s CSS for styling the code box. Just play with it to remove the border etc.
My bad…
it works fine with wordpress 1.5-alfa 6!
Good to hear that!!
Hi Amit,
Is there any way I can edit the CSS for the div class syntax_highlight – basically I don’t want the ‘iframe’ style for the code.
Yes, the last function in the plugin file, hilite_header() has all the CSS that styles the code boxes. You can edit that to suit yourself. But remember to backup your plugin first.
Really cool dude.
Now if any of my blogs has code it looks cool.
I disabled the css from the code and added it directly to code.
Thanks for sharing..
I used geshi before I installed your plugin and was therefore lucky to
find your wordpress plugin. The Plugin works fine but there is a
problem when I post html tags. Words like <strings> are automatically closed after saving and there is one other serious problem. If I don’t close this tags i.e. if I post for(test, test<8, test++); < is beeing converted into his html char <. I would be grateful if you could help me in this case.
John, this is not the plugin’s problem. Its WordPress problem & you can look at either http://mosquito.wordpress.org or at http://wordpress.org/support/ for any help on this.
Is there any way to remove the heading for the code that says “HTML:” or “CSS:”?
Yes, there is a way. First, backup your plugin file.
In the plugin file, on line 45 there is something like
Just delete it.
But doing this will mean that none of the codeboxes will have the classification, neither PHP nor ASP or anything else.
Your Plugin works fine! Where can I modify the “border-strength” around the highlited Text of your plugin?
what border-strength are you talking about?
I’ve installed your plugin, but there’s something wrong in the bottom of my page. Can you please take a look at it and tell me what’s wrong?
The url is: http://www.funponsel.com/blog/?p=29
what’s the problem?
Could you use it in comment form?