An update of iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin is available immediately. This has some minor but useful updations.
Firstly it supports Line Numbering of code & secondly, the code is now in a box of fixed dimensions & will not be wrapped, meaning that the long lines will not be wrapped & broken, instead a scrollbar will appear. Many lines would have resulted in the code box stretching vertically, meaning that the page can go un-necessarily long. Now its of fixed dimensions & scrollbars will appear should they are required.
Also featuring, an all colour new & improved MANUAL. You should like that & introducing, the path.php file.
Some of you had problems with setting the Physical Path of the directory where you placed the geshi.php file & the geshi directory. Now just copy the path.php file to the directory where you have placed geshi.php file & the geshi directory, run it in browser & copy the path shown as it is. Its just that easy, really!!
As some of you must’ve noticed, a new version of GeSHi was released a few days back with some bug fixes. I’ll have that soon in this plugin too.
Those planning to use the Code Snippet System along with this plugin should take note that they require this plugin release as they might face some problems with the previous version.
Any suggestions, improvements, requests & bug reports are welcome. For any type of support, bugs etc, you can visit or contact me.
some CSS
body {
background-color:#FFFF00; font-family:”Times New Roman”, arial, verdana;
color:#996600; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; text-decoration:underline overline;
.cls1 {
/* This is class 1 */
.cls2 {
/* This is class 2 */
color:#880000; font-weight:bold;
& how about a little PHP?
runSQL(“SELECT prRate, prName, prInventory FROM our_products WHERE prId=’$$prId’ LIMIT 0, 1”);
while($rs = mysql_fetch_array($rset))
$prName = $rs[‘prName’]; // product name
$prRate = $rs[‘prRate’]; // product rate
$prInventory = $rs[‘prInventory’]; // product inventory/stock
Looks cool. One suggestion though… you should probably use ordered lists to generate your numbers. Aside from being more semantically correct, it allows viewers to copy the code without the line numbers.
You are right about that Rich but that would become more complex.
Besides, I’m not generating the line numbers, its the GeSHi class that’s doing it, which I’m using as the highlight engine. I’ll pass on the suggestions to the GeSHi developer though & hope that he’ll make the necessary changes in the next version. 
You should check out how Dunstan is doing his code, it would be neat to have something like that.
You might also then suggest the ability to start the line numbers at an arbitrary number, which would be helpful in pointing out specific code in larger modules.
You should check out how Dunstan is doing his code, it would be neat to have something like that.
Which code are you talking about Matt?
the ability to start the line numbers at an arbitrary number
Good suggestion Owen. I’ll see what can be done.
cool. But still barely usable : everything you copy is unpastable because of fancy quotes and stuff
I’m working on preventing WordPress from stripping slashes in the code. Then I’ll look into fancy quotes.
Hey, these are good suggestions!
Keep ’em coming
I’ve had some good suggestions from some other people too, so GeSHi 1.0.2 will include some neat new features
You should check out how Dunstan is doing his code, it would be neat to have something like that
I dispatched an eMail to Dunstan the other day. Just waiting for his reply.