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  1. Good for you. I looked at bMachine. It stands no where near WordPress. 😉
    WordPress is much much better than bMachine, you can ask any sane person. 😀

  2. Yes I know that WP is much much better than bMachine but then I never doubted it. The reason I went for bMachine earlier was I wasn’t able to install either MovableType nor WordPress on my machine, a Windows 2000 OS.
    And other Blog scripts looked messy to me. So I chose bMachine which installed in 3 minutes flat without any hassles, as claimed by its developer. 😀
    But it lacks in many features, & when I had WP installed on my machine, I let go of bMachine. 😉

  3. can you tell me how to convert your bmachine blogs into wordpress? what script / tool you used? or you are doing manually by typing them again on wordpress??

    thank you.

  4. I just copy-pasted the posts manually, there were only 6 posts to move from bMachine to WordPress. 🙂 I don’t know if any coverter is available for porting bMachine to WordPress, however I’d suggest you ask around in WordPress forums, maybe someone will know or make one for you. Else you will have to either make one yourself if you know coding, or pay/request someone to make it for you, or manually port your posts, or keep your existing bMachine installation & start new on WordPress. 🙂

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