Yes, Tata Indicom is just a company full of cheats & fraudsters giving no service for your money.
I applied for a 64kbps unlimited connection(Infinity-64) at Rs.800/month to use it as a backup for my current internet connection. Their representative, a Mr.Vikram, showed up at my home early in the morning at 10am(early in the sense that I go to sleep at 5am) on May 9th, 2005 & had me fill their registration form(Form Number 1210692) & took a cheque of Rs.552(Rs.500+10.2% tax towards setup charges) & said that I’ll have a connection in 10-15 days!! Astounding as it was(as there’s no company that takes 15 days to get you connected, it usually with 3-4 days), I accepted it.
After 12 days, I got a call from their office that it’ll take another 10-15 days for me to get a connection as ports on their servers are full. Bullshit as it is, I still accepted!! Now after 1 month, I called that lowly son of a bitch Vikram to tell me whether they are gonna give me a connection or not. He said that they are experiencing problems & will have me connected in 1 week. Problems??!! Big deal?? Not my problem!! I told him that he has 3 days, either connect me or make a refund!! I called him up 4 days later & demanded a refund. He said that I should fax an application or I want, he can come & collect it from me. I said ok, come & collect from me. He promised to come in the evening. 1 week passed & I still hadn’t heard from him. I called him up in the morning today & asked whether his evening has come or not, he started bullshitting me by giving the cock-n-bull story of he not being in Delhi!! I asked when am I gonna get a refund & he said that he’s reaching office in 10 minutes & will have their manager call me!! Its past middday & apparently he hasn’t reached office yet!! Has he died on his way there, I sincerely hope so!!! :curse:
So the moral of this incident? Never get a connection from Tata Indicom, they suck!! All they want & do is to get your money & then they forget you, no refund & no service, your money is as good as gone!! Second moral is never pay an advance to get a service like this to these companies when they are not delivering within a week. Third moral is, pay by a Credit Card always. If I’d paid by a Credit Card, then I’d simply would’ve done a chargeback & be done with it, no problems at all.
I agree that they are out there to take your money and no service.
I just got a wired connection after 2 weeks of wait ( my building is already wired by them ). After getting the phone I find that initial promise made by the Tata employee and his sales person is not met.
On my part, I intend to send a letter to their CEO Mr. Darryl Green to un-load my gripe.
I completely agree with the above people and the remarks they have posted for TATA INDICOM. They are a bunch of cheats working under a plush brand name of TATA. Exactly as Amit’s story, these guys had approached me ( Kalkaji, New Delhi ) after I enquired about the broadband connection, they took the advance money and then one guy came after 20 days ( after repeated phone calls ) to put the cable, the connection was still not there. After 15 more days of followup with countless people the coonection is still NOT activated. These buggers don’t pick the phone., if they do, ( by accident ) they will not reply back and worse the customer service guys don’t know whats happening to your account, forget others.
I think like Amit and the second customer I also have lost my money, I would like to take these suckers to some customer court or report to some NEWS channel to blow up this whole affair.
B******s !!
well, Abhijeet, you can file a complaint with the local office of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission near your place(that’ll be South Delhi?). though I doubt any good will come!!
hi guys,
i have heard your woes and complaints. you are at the initial stage of the suffering and trauma i am going through. i too got my connection after much pestering after a peiod of one month. the plight began after that. i went for a GB usage for a 512kbps line. i was shocked to find that the first day some 106mb is already consumed without my doing anything in the net. the second day it shot upto 150mb. i called the customer care and they let me know that i should update my antivirus. i updated but it also come for little relief. i formatted my whole system and reloaded the antivirus still no relief. even after four days without me using the internet at all already .4Gb has been consumed. the customer care is better at launching complaints than to coming and seeing the real problem. i ‘m warning u people that if anything such happens to you too, do let me know.
well, firstly I applied for an unlimited data-transfer plan, so I wouldn’t worry about it & then secondly, maybe they didn’t advise you right but they certainly meant well in your case, you should scan your PC with updated anti-virus & then check for spywares on your PC, b’coz the such kinda data-transfers don’t happen all by themselves. It’ll be good for you to read the “Basics for Surviving Online — Part II” which deals with viruses & spyware & how to get rid of them.
tata indicom are not only cheast & fraudsters but they are bastards in disguise. i had applied for 512kbps connection. till the time the deal was not fixed i used to get a call from thier DSA & there were executives lined up my office everyday. Once the payment was made the DSA did not recieve a single call, even after repeated complaints to customer service dept did not help. now i m waiting for my refund, but i doubt whether i will get that on time.
I have have not so good experiance with TATA indicom Land line phone. I have received a call from Call center that the have good offer of TATA indicom land line phone. Since some time I was feeling requirment of Land line hone at my residence so I have start continuing the discussion with the reprenstative she comitted me that they have good phone havingmany feature finally I agree to get install a phone since that time my suffering started I got phone instrument after 15 days of commited time. After installing of phone I found that the model they have installed is not as per our deal. They have installed old model instrument. Since then till now they bloody don’t care about my lots of complaint and I have got same f**ky instrument. This really rediculas commitments. Represetatives are face of the compay but if they are giving fake commitments how can you expect good market for such company……………………
well, I’ve the Tata Indicom landline(Walky) & I don’t have any problems with that since its pre-paid, I got the instrument on the spot & I did have a choice in that, I got a good number & haven’t really had any real problems with that. Its just that their broadband service that sucks!!
i am having a tata indicom connection and internet. i use to be prompt in payment. Their bill date is 12th of every month and can pay before 31st. 16th I got disconnected. I called up the customer care to find out the reason and they told, i have crossed the credit limit. Why the hell is they having the due date in their bill? And we knows it get disconnected, when we are about to make an emergency call or to send an emergency mail. Wiered
I am a believer in Tata, but for your greviences here are some emails you can post your complaints on
1) (CEO)
2) (president – customer care)
3) (president – marketing)
4) (president operations, south and western regions)
5) (in charge of corporate affairs)
6) (president operations, north and east circles)
These are people in the top=most rung so be address your complaints sincerely otherwise they will landup in Trash of their emails. Let the subject speak like “Customer Service Issues”, “Neglagence in Customer Service” etc.
Hope everyone has a pleasent relationship with TATA’s.
these guys playing jokes with cusromers no bothwr about the complaints even after 15 days
15 days?? You gotta be kidding!! When they haven’t done anything even 2 months after signing up people, how can you expect anything after 15 days??
Dear Sir,
I applied for a broadband connection for home use on June 3 2005. Two sales person from Tata named Srikanth (+91-9243105077) and Kirthi (+91-9243105078) came to my house and collected the money from me. After taking the money from me; they have dissapeared and they dont seem to want to help me with my problems. When I pestered
Srikanth to help me he told me “behave myself” and he was very rude to me. Kirthi has not been taking my calls for the last 2 months.
I have not got the connection for the last 3 months now. As in Tata Indicom Broadband has taken the money from me and has not installed the connection till date. No broadband.. nothing.
I have called up the customer care office many times; all that they tell
me is
1. To have patience (like I am the one doing some mistake)
2. To wait for another week (this happens every week)
3. that they will escalate the matter (god knows to
where. i mean three months of escalation; the matter
must have reached the top most level; which I doubt
it has)
4. that they will call in 24 to 48 hours to tell me the
status (which has never happened so far)
Well… like all of you in this list.. i have learned my lession the hard way.. i will never buy another service/product from these guys. they can be sure that none of my friends/relatives/collegues will buy from them as well..
Well for your information… none of these emails are real.. mails sent to them did bounce back
1) (CEO)
2) (president – customer care)
3) (president – marketing)
4) (president operations, south and western regions)
5) (in charge of corporate affairs)
6) (president operations, north and east circles)
Never purchase any dialup renewal pack from TATA Indicom its all bullshit!!. It hung you on the update profile saying your email is not correct at the bottom of the page. It still gives you error even after you enter it 2-3times. Because of error I have not updated my profile and I also dont have anything new with my profile. But I had registered pack S/N & PIN No. against the vsnl account. I am not able to check the balance because of above error. Next day when I check for the balance it was showing my previous balance and I called their F****ng Customer Support which was no use as all cumming up with bloody excuses.
Also My company had dispute regarding TATA indocom Corporate Mobile Service which has not resolved yet since last 3 month even making the final payment and surrendering the handsets. Still our security deposits is with them and no fu**er is showing up.
When it was VSNL I had no issue. As soon as it TATA Indicom it MESS EVERYTHING WITH ITS BULLSHIT.
Attached are the mails i exchanged with tata indicom vsnl broadband connection , with dates and complete details . The top mails is the final one , and at the bottom is the first , please go through it from the bottom , to understand the grand failure called TATA VSNL Broadband has made of the customer expectations !The subject of the mails is :Re: 2377163 , 2357672, 2386223 – Engineer visited ! and the mail was copied to every contact id i could find on their website .The ids are :Customer Service ,,,,,,, , and after sending all these mails , i got nowhere for approximate 9 days , and 2 of the cases were closed without even calling me to enhance their own internal closure rates !
Yes i will get a refund and will never advise anyone to take their pathetic connection !engineer ( i can’t believe) , called up saying that the net is finally working ! According to him , it is his 3 rd visit , and other than that he has no information on my case .As i am totally dissatisfied with the support promised by tata vsnl . Hence take back the connection and refund the money on priority .I have no wish to continue with your services , which have added more frustration than solutions .
sameer mehta wrote:
Goodmorning ! Oct 8 th ’05 Net is till not working and the committment made by Outbound executive -Miss Megha Tiwari has failed !! The issue is all the more strange as i m here at the heart of delhi , and despite being told repeatedly that the net will be up and running in next.. next… next 24, next 24 .. next 24 .. hours , no one has lifted their fingers to resolve the issue !It is obvious , that noone has any control over their field operations .The complaint has been going on since Oct 27 th’05 , and has been closed twice wrongly, without confirming from me , if the issue was ever resolved . The lack of co ordination , clearly indicates lousy management .
herenow> wrote:
Hi ! Goodmorning ! Net is still not working and hence i m on mtnl . I opened my mail box to find a mail marked to Mr.Singh . It seems i m not the only one who has such great experiences with the ultimate support u have been giving ! My condolence to Mr.Singh , as the poor chap is going through the same process of utter frustration ! The mail is copied below!
Dear Mr. Singh ,
This is with reference to your communication regarding your Tata
We value your membership highly and we would not like to lose
We would like to inform you that we have forwarded your request to
BroadBand department .Our executived will contact you within 24 hrs.
You are a privileged member of Tata Teleservices, which is reputed for
good business and ethical practices in the country. (HA HA HA HA )
We apologize for the inconvenience experienced by you .
Should you require any further assistance, please write to us at
Warm regards
Anadita Bharal
Customer Care
As you can see , this mail drips of professional , well stated words , that lead nowhere and offer no solution ! Can i have my money back now ?????????
sameer mehta wrote:
Recieved this mail – net not working still !!!
2377163 , 2357672, 2386223 – Awesome experience!!!
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 15:15:26 +0530
From: “Customer Service” View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
To: “sameer mehta”
d the inconvenience caused to you due to the no link concern.
With reference to your mail, we would like to inform you that your concern regarding no link has been notified to the resolution team and they will revert back to you at the earliest. Your Complaint Number is: 2386223.
Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated in this regard.
For any further assistance, please feel free to contact Customer Service (the link contains the location wise contact numbers) or mail us on We will be delighted to assist you.
Warm Regards,
Customer Service
TATA Indicom.
I wonder how such rediculous claims can be made after ignoring the calls i have made to the pune center and wasting 150 rupees on calling them to clear their own mess. I know i stay in Delhi and that is very far from Mars , from where someone , someday will come to resove the issue ! Till then i will use my mtnl line at 12.5 kbps .
—–Original Message—–
From: sameer mehta []
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:30 PM
To: sameer mehta; Customer Service;;;;;;;
Cc: Customer Service;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: 2377163 , 2357672, 2386223 – Awesome experience!!!
After sending the letter yesterday , today i recieved a mail reply for a previous letter – totally ignoring the latest developments . The copy is given below !! As you can see that it is all a copy paste job rather than a letter which means anything at all .
Customer Service wrote:
Dear Mr. Mehta,
nvenience caused to you.
With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that your concern has been notified to the resolution team. Our executives are working on your issue on high
priority basis. We will get back to you with the feedback at the earliest.
Thank you for your time and patience.
For any further assistance, please feel free to contact Customer Service or mail us on . We will be delighted to assist you.
Customer Service,
TATA Indicom.
My reply is :
It would have been appreciated if there was any honesty in such mails as offered by your distant / remote claims .The conerned department and even your department are all the same , when it comes to poor management and irresponsible conduct . 20% of the time ur service does not work and shows h/w fault . 3 times i get contradictory statements , that the link is on or not and finally , a team leader refuses to take ownershipby saying that he can not call back !! What do i think of u? do u really want to know? I think that u people are the coolest and the most amazing lousy professionals when it comes to giving excuses and sending rediculous mails mentioning concerned department and action plans without any timelines !!
sameer mehta wrote:
The net is down from the past 4 days now and this is what happened on call with Tata customer support team !!
Tiwari called up from the out bound department , saying that she will follow my case– that was on the 2 nd oct . Today – oct 4 th , upon calling tata indicom ,Shina told me that the case 2357672 is closed and that a lineman cleared the fault last evening . Mr. Sumit , The team Leader , says ” i do not have any mail id other than cutome service ” He commited that the issue will be resolved and only then the case will be closed this tme . He does manage to hold fort ,even when his pants are down on the ground . He smiles and says – “i never said that !!” I wonder how come such people are working at Tata ??And when i told him that he should take responsibility , he just gave the above script , thrice again !
Lijo Matthew , The manager was not available at office . Sumit , refused to divulge the manager’s contact id . Hemant Lavanya is the team manager , and was not there either .It is obvious that the ownership is lacking , and customer’s have to call again and again and run after people to get the expected support / services .
Sumit said that the same outbound team will contact me tomorrow . without committing , a call back himself . He was categoric in saying that he will not call me up , himself !
Awesome Support This !!!!
2386223 – is the new case id . Ok !
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sameer mehta wrote:
Dear All ,
mail , last night from home , the password failed to Work ! This means that that my mails are read by someone ! Great ! But my office internet is still working , so the poor customer is back again .
I woke up this morning , thinking that the problem may have got rectified , but NO . So i called up . Deepti was cool , gave me the steps , but as i was on same line talking to her , so i had to disconnect . I called again , and found Sami ! , nice chap , committed that my case will be forwrded to the relevant departmant , blah blah , and even changed my password on my request – it is tata123 . I tried the net on my mtnl line to find that this password does not work !! I called again the third time , and Ajay picked the phone and told me that unless i verified everything all over again , i won’t get any help . He was told to help , but he refused .
So i told him what i think of the support , hearing all that he disconnected my call!! I called again , this time it was Shailesh , and he said that no manager was there . There were 3 events logged for today , one by deepti , and 2 others by sami , none by Ajay ! No person was available , as told to me , who could take my escalation . Shailesh assured me again that the net will start working as he will escalate to the relevant department !!
The net was down for 6 days , and now password has gone Kaput too?? Hail ! Tata /Vsnl broadband Services !!
The process sucks big time !!!
sameer mehta wrote:
Dear All – i have reached home and ur connection is dead. i m on mtnl line again , as for past 5 days now ! No ; Im in delhi – not in baghdad! But as the engineer is coming over from Mars , he will take time .
n with 52 kbps mtnl line the pages snap open in just 2 minutes flat !!!
I feel so greatful to u guys that at least my id and password are active !! Please convey my regards to Sumit , Amit , Sumit ( Team Leader) , Megha Tiwari , and all those who make it work so wonderfully!!
sameer mehta wrote:
After sending the letter yesterday , today i recieved a mail reply for a previous letter – totally ignoring the latest developments . The copy is given below !! As you can see that it is all a copy paste job rather than a letter which means anything at all .
stomerservice> wrote:
Dear Mr. Mehta,
We regret for the inconvenience caused to you.
With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that your concern has been notified to the resolution team. Our executives are working on your issue on high
priority basis. We will get back to you with the feedback at the earliest.
Thank you for your time and patience.
For any further assistance, please feel free to contact Customer Service or mail us on . We will be delighted to assist you.
Customer Service,
TATA Indicom.
My reply is :
It would have been appreciated if there was any honesty in such mails as offered by your distant / remote claims .The conerned department and even your department are all the same , when it comes to poor management and irresponsible conduct . 20% of the time ur service does not work and shows h/w fault . 3 times i get contradictory statements , that the link is on or not and finally , a team leader refuses to take ownershipby saying that he can not call back !! What do i think of u? do u really want to know? I think that u people are the coolest and the most amazing lousy professionals when it comes to giving excuses and sending rediculous mails mentioning concerned department and action plans without any timelines !!
sameer mehta wrote:
The net is down from the past 4 days now and this is what happened on call with Tata customer support team !!
Tiwari called up from the out bound department , saying that she will follow my case– that was on the 2 nd oct . Today – oct 4 th , upon calling tata indicom ,Shina told me that the case 2357672 is closed and that a lineman cleared the fault last evening . Mr. Sumit , The team Leader , says ” i do not have any mail id other than cutome service ” He commited that the issue will be resolved and only then the case will be closed this tme . He does manage to hold fort ,even when his pants are down on the ground . He smiles and says – “i never said that !!” I wonder how come such people are working at Tata ??And when i told him that he should take responsibility , he just gave the above script , thrice again !
Lijo Matthew , The manager was not available at office . Sumit , refused to divulge the manager’s contact id . Hemant Lavanya is the team manager , and was not there either .It is obvious that the ownership is lacking , and customer’s have to call again and again and run after people to get the expected support / services .
Sumit said that the same outbound team will contact me tomorrow . without committing , a call back himself . He was categoric in saying that he will not call me up , himself !
Awesome Support This !!!!
2386223 – is the new case id . Ok !
by sameer mehta
well i am planning to take the mobile phone from them that too prepaid. i dont kno whether or not to go for it after hearing u guys. plz let me kno if mobiles are safe or the same prob there as well.
well, what you should see is the talktime they’ll offer you!! frankly I wouldn’t advise to go with Tata, I’ve Tata Indicom Walky & it sucks, its been almost a month & it won’t work & the support is all bullshit since they don’t know what they are talking!!
I’m thinking of switching to Airtel landline!!
Hi all,
Alas ! I had not gone through these sites before booking my broadband connection from tata indicom. If I had done that it would have saved me considerable amount of time.
Am from hyderabad and let me tell you that the experience I have been facing for the last ten days on calling their customer care center is extremely third class( for lack of proper word ) and to my amazement the same as you all are facing, in other parts of India.
Anyone , any suggestion please post here !!!. I am tired of calling them up every afternoon and improving my negative language skills.
this is Beena. My TATA INDICOM phone instrument with phone no. 011-55446475 had some problems in display and i also wanted my installation address to be changed. i lodged a complaint regarding this on 2nd October 2005, and after that about a dozens of times, with a promise from the executives that it is going to be attended the very next day, but with no results. till date nothing has been done from their side except that incoming and outgoing facility has also been withdrawn from my no. i tried to lodge complaint online also but with no results.
now i want to know how to get this phone surrendered and get my refundable amount back from the company
Hi all,
This is Beena again. I really want to thanks and congratulate you(the web site) and TATA INDICOM for the prompt action taken.
I am really pleased to inform all that my faulty phone instrument got changed yesterday finally and my installatiion address also is changed by TATA INDICOM without any charges levied on me(as they say)as against their earlier claims of charging Rs.300/- for doing the same.
thankyou once again.
Beena Dhaila
Its good to know Beena that your problem was solved!! However I didn’t do anything to solve that!!
I had very bad experience with TATA INDICOM broadband.
!!!!!!H E L P is H E R E !!!!!
To solve this problem with 2 days, file complain at Consumer Online Resources & Empowerment Centre.
See, you guys are at it again. Yesterday the connection was restored, and now it is dead again. What the hell is going on??
Its been 3 months, every 3rd day the connection goes off. The customer care execs say it will be up in 3 hours, but you guys take atleast 24-48 hours, sometimes even 72 hours!!!
I would say why even 3 hours???? Why you guys take a down time every third day??? Is it a paan ki dukaan that needs to be shut every night for some rest????
You guys are frauds!! You dont have a proper infrastructure at all and you can’t provide even a bare minimum level of services.
Poor ISP service! Poor response time! No customer service! No reliability! Its all non sense!!
You guys should be sued! You are harrassing people! First you entice users to switch from other providers by throwing offers like zero registration charges, then you dont provide a reliable internet connection. You should be thrown out of service.
My 3 months subscription has gone waste due to this sh***y service of TATA INDICOM.
Again the due date for subscription is coming tomorrow, if I get the connection renewed I know its going to be a waste of money!!
I will forward this mail to every top shot of your company hoping they will have a feel of what services their company is providing!
You must return my subscription money or extend the active status for the no. of days for which your servers were down!
I know I was bad at writing this kind of email… but believe me, you guys have played a lot with my patience. Just think of someone who needs to do something real urgent, only finds that he can’t even access his emails….
I have a similar worst experience from Tata Indicom Chennai…I have been contacted by one of their representative and I have given a cheque of Rs. 2190 for a prepaid connection. I have been told that I will be getting a connection within 2 days. I have been calling them up every day but none of their executives are responding. It has been more than 20 days now …but no response at all…Trying to register a complaint with customer care…Let us see what happens….soooooooooo bad customer service…..Never ever go for tata indicom….
I was a customer of airtel and I shifted to a different place and there was no feasibility for them to give me a connection. As an alternative and a temporary arrangement I applied for Tata indicom.