Let the CODE be Colourised!!

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  1. Good to see youÒ€ℒre still working on it

    Hey buddy, I never abandoned it in the first place, just didn’t get time to work on it!! πŸ˜‰

    Posted while on holiday – I guess IÒ€ℒm just too addicted to e-mail

    ah well, hope you are enjoying your holiday(some people are just lucky). πŸ˜‰ I just hope that you come back soon & get that v1.2 parser out, it looks pretty exciting!!! πŸ˜€

  2. this plugin surely rocks man!! I just discovered it & it took just 5 seconds to get it up & running!! πŸ™‚ and the results are pretty amazing, now all of a sudden, plain & dull code looks quite attractive and appealing!! πŸ˜€

    keep it up!! :tup:

  3. I just downloaded it, but when I went to the admin panel, there was only a single popup menu. Further investigation revealed that you forgot to close your tags on lines 277, 286, 295, and 304 of the file “syntax_hilite.php”. Correcting those four tags fixes the problem. πŸ˜€

  4. Oh!! Thanks for reporting it Dave!! IE & Opera displayed the admin interface perfectly well, so I didn’t notice it!!

    It’ll be fixed in the update!!! πŸ˜‰

  5. Hi, how could I have this plugin enabled to the comment section?

    <!– Author Edit: Inappropriate Comment, this blog is not for testing purposes –>

  6. pcdinh, you can enable it for the comment text by adding the “igSynHilite” filter to the “comment_text” hook. Also, you’ll need to remove the “wptexturize” filter from the “comment_text” hook and add “igSynHiliteDis_en_frmt” filter to it.
    For more info on adding/removing filters, please refer to the WordPress Plugin API.

    And also, don’t ever post test comments here, this blog is not for any testing!! This is a live blog and whatever specimen of my plugins people need, I provide them. Other than that, nothing else. If you want to do any testing, please do so on your WordPress install, but not here!!

  7. its got nothing to do with index or archive page John, the thing is that the plugin doesn’t seem to work when you use the_excerpt() instead of the_content() tag, ie., when instead of displaying full posts, you are displaying summary of the post. This is because that though the plugin is applied to the code, WordPress however strips out any formatting etc. when displaying summary.

  8. great plugin! my blog likely won’t use it *too* often, but often enough.

    i have some joke qbasic code on my blog (yes, i added basic highlighting to your plugin heh heh) and it’s adding extra linebreaks. is that geshi doing it or iG? this is on wordpress 2.1.

  9. Hello,
    since i have installed yesterday php5 on my server a piece of php-code (using the php tags of your script) is causing problems. Only the comments in the wordpress-post are displayed. If i remove the displayed code the post is ok again.

    you can find the code here:

    It must be one ore more from the characters used in the array $umlaute. Hope you can find a way to fix this for php5. There were no problem with the old php version.

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