iG:Syntax Hiliter is not fully compatible with the new WordPress 2.0. Though the existing installations might work alright, new installs of the plugin on WordPress 2.0 may cause some problems due to the revamped user system in WordPress. The earlier …
As I move into some advance PHP stuff, I came across the cURL. Now some of you might not know what is cURL, so here’s a definition from the cURL Website. curl is a command line tool for transferring files …
And voila, the code was colourised!! Yes, its the new phase(new release) of the journey(plugin) that started almost an year back.....
In the past week, I was messing around with the imap functions of PHP, to connect to a POP3 server, get eMail messages, etc. But the problem is that imap_body() function doesn’t give out just the email message if the …