Well, for those of you who are devoted to VB.NET, here are top 10 reasons as to why C# is better than VB.NET. đ Got around to it while reading the latest issue of Programmers Heaven newsletter & I know …
Well, for those of you who swear by C#, here are top 10 reasons as to why VB.NET is better than C#. đ Got around to it while reading the latest issue of Programmers Heaven newsletter. đ Though there are …
What’s cooking? Well, I can’t tell you that, its a well guarded secret. đ Ok, enough fooling around, well, I’m testing a few things before I roll out the next version. The ASP highlighting is done, the WP formatting of …
A new port of WordPress, one that uses PostgreSQL database rather than the default MySQL database, is live by name of WordPress-Pg. đ Its a port of WordPress 1.2 Mingus, the last stable release of WordPress. WP 1.3 is due …
Been obsessed with my iG:Syntax Hiliter plugin & have devoted all of the little free time I get, to working on it. đ I’d say, I’m pretty happy at the way things are going. Just scroll down a post below, …
In a wake to continue my article Popkin Functions, here’s an extension to the mail() function. The mail() function in that article used CDONTS, the now deprecated eMail sending COM provided by Microsoft. I won’t go deep into it but …
I breathed a sigh of relief. Matt announced that people are not able to use WordPress with PHP5 because of a bug in PHP5 & not in WordPress, as people were assuming. I say assuming & not thinking, as thinking …
An update of iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin is available immediately. This has some minor but useful updations. đ Firstly it supports Line Numbering of code & secondly, the code is now in a box of fixed dimensions & will not be …
The iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin is ready to be released. Hold on, there’ll be no trumpets, no champagne, nothing. đ Just plain sordid affair. đ Ok, lets cut the crap. đ iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin is a plugin that I made for …
iG:Syntax Hiliter is a plugin that I’ve made. It can highlight the HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVA & SQL codes. I know there’s another syntax hilighter plugin. But that didn’t work on my machine, so I made this. đ Here’s a …