WordPress 2.0.1 is now available for download. Its more of a bugfix to the vaunted WordPress 2.0(114 bug fixes), which due to a massive code overhaul, had some bugs lurking here & there. The bugfix list can be seen here …
Why does the new Yahoo! Mail(still in beta) rocks? Read on .....
The last news on Google’s AdWords expansion, it was about AdWords Print Edition. Now it seems that Google will be trying its hand next in Radio, by delivering ads in the broadcasts, as Google looks set to buy a radio …
I got the invitation for testing the Windows Live Mail Beta & I opted for it, anticipating some enhanced UI that will help me use my Hotmail better. The invitations for this next generation of Hotmail are given out by …
Note: If you are interested in reading a Hindi version of this, then please click here. I’ve been waiting for the evening of January 2nd, 2006, with great anticipation, for the 5th Delhi Bloggers’ Meet was scheduled for half past …
So finally WordPress 2.0 is officially announced!! ЁЯША Looks like Matt was really busy which probably delayed the announcement by 5 days!! ЁЯШЙ
Yeah, looks like its Intel’s New Year Gift(you can call it a Christmas Gift as well). FedEx delivered 5 thick books from the good guys at Intel yesterday, the IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer’s Manual: Volume 1: Basic Architecture Volume …
Yep, Saket announced it just a few minutes ago, the first Delhi Bloggers’ Meet of 2006 at the coffee pub Barista at Connaught Place, New Delhi. ЁЯША Its on 2nd January 2006, 6:30pm IST onwards. The 5th edition of Delhi …
Yes, that’s right, if you are using WordPress 1.5.2, then stay where you are, don’t be tempted by the candy that WordPress 2.0 offers you, don’t upgrade yet, especially if you are not of a techy species, that’s a bit …
iG:Syntax Hiliter is not fully compatible with the new WordPress 2.0. Though the existing installations might work alright, new installs of the plugin on WordPress 2.0 may cause some problems due to the revamped user system in WordPress. The earlier …