Looks like its one of those days again when my plate is so full that I feel like running away for some quiet & peace to calm my nerves. 😕 Oh boy, been busy like hell for the past few …
CNet’s News reported that Microsoft has released the code of FlexWiki & licensed it under the open-source Common Public License. 😀 Its to be noted that Microsoft earlier released the source of its WindowsInstallerXML & then released WindowsTemplateLibrary at SourceForge.net. …
As I was going through my news feeds, I came across this CNet’s News Story which reports that Michael Tiemann criticised Sun Microsystems, in a Blog post, stating that Sun’s decision to keep Java a proprietory software & not to …
The Preview version of iG:Syntax Hiliter v2.0, a plugin for WordPress 1.2 that highlights the syntax of your CSS, HTML, JAVA, PHP, SQL codes, now with an ASP twist & lots more.........
Been looking for starting out in Flash or looking for some cool tips & articles? Well, there's no better teacher than the father itself. Come home to Flash at Macromedia's Website & start Flashing!!
Chicago based Furthermore is threatening legal action against some users of the popular open source CMS Mambo, reports CNet News. The company says that it hired one of the core programmers of Mambo to create a proprietory module for Mambo …
Wired News has opened up a new column, Sex Drive with Gina Lynn. 😀 And no, in case you getting excited, its not Gina Lynn the actress, as the author rightfully explains. 😉 [quote] I am not Gina Lynn the …
Why these spammers are so dumb? :curse: Why don’t they understand a thing when its dancing out naked in front of them? I think I’ll announce it formally so if they have any brains & can read English, they’ll know. …
Why Mozilla Firefox is a Good Porn Browser? 😯 And if that’s not all, there’s an extension by name of Pornzilla, for Firefox for browsing porn easily. 😯 :dizzy: That’s ridiculous. Is the guy mad? Well, I knew something’s likely …
The Simon Willison is planning to move to WordPress from his own home-grown blogging software which is currently powering his blog. 😀 I know that post of his is about something else, blacklisting domains through command line, but there’s a …