Does the title look wierd? No, it isn’t. Its Spanish for “New License“. And yes, I’m talking about Movable Type‘s new license. Yes, they’ve changed it again, I’m not surprised at that, they can’t seem to differentiate between good & bad …
Matt has setup a WordPress Hackers Mailing List for discussion of WordPress Plugin API, core WP development, the advanced stuff you know. Might be a good idea hanging around, I might learn something. 😉 Yes, I’ve subscribed to it, does it surprise …
Yes, when it comes to Viruses & Worms and their impact on Windows, who knows better than Microsoft, the maker of Windows. So Microsoft is planning to make an Anti-Virus software for Windows which it’ll sell seperately from Windows. 😀 Mmmm!! Sounds …
Yahoo! after announcing 100MB of storage for its free users a few days back has finally made the move. Now the free users get 100MB of storage along with the individual mail size of 10MB. Earlier this was limited to …
Today I saw another great episode of ClickOnline on BBCWorld. It had some debates & thoughts about the open-ness of Linux, a brief chit chat with the man himself, Linus Torvalds. But the news that got me up was about …
Yes, people are going crazy, they’re pinging like mad. Ping-o-matic, a free Ping(Trackback) service from the developers of WordPress, allows you to ping major blog directories & search engines telling them that your blog has been updated. 😀 Its quite …
So, now WordPress has a proper bug tracker of its own, looks like the team is all out to swat the bugs out. 😀 There are already quite a number of bug reports in there, I’m not surprised. Most of …
Here’s a tutorial that came up in last issue of Macromedia Edge newsletter. I forgot those links & had to dig them up. 😉 Ok, here’s the tutorial by Andreas Heim of SmashingIdeas, on integrating Flash and Dreamweaver. This one clears the …
Apple seems to figure out finally that how should the security hole, in their highly polished & puffed up Mac OS-X, be fixed. 😉 According to Wired, Apple released the patch pretty quietly on Monday, without any noise & champagne. …
Microsoft has hitback European “Greedy & Ridiculous” Commission by filing appeals in European Union Courts against the ridiculous decisions of European Commission. Lets just hope that Microsoft wins it this time, the bad guys(European Commission) should be put down & smashed. …